Google has announced officially to close its first Social Media network Orkut this year. Rumors are dead now and the News is out.

Rumors had been flying about the closing of Orkut by Google due to decease in its popularity graph. Today Google announced this officially by sending an Email to its users with the Subject "A Farewell to Orkut" in which it is announced that Google is going to close their first 10 years old social network on 30th September 2014.

The reason behind its shutdown is increased in its popularity graph. Other social networks of Google which are Blogger, Youtube and Google Plus have gained more popularity than Orkut in last decade and there is not any comparison between these networks hence Google has decided to consume their energies more on the popular social media networks while shutting down the Orkut. They have closed creation of new accounts on Orkut. Only those accounts will be functional which were created before this announcement.

Existing Orkut users can access their accounts without any effect to their accounts till 30th September 2014. Till then Orkut users can easily download all of their data including posts and photos as Archive using Google Takeout service which will be available to its closure date. Google will also create archives of Public communities data which will be available online after September 2014. Those members who want to remove their public data can remove their Orkut account permanently from their Google account so their data will not be shared publicly.

Orkut was once among the most popular social networks but after introduction of new social networks last few years its, growth was outpaced due to many factors. Other social networks led by Google which had flexibilities to run with new market trends are still popular so its a good decision taken by blogger to discontinue less profiting service and focusing their resources and energies on trending networks.


About Author

YASIR is professional blogger, freelance writer and owner of "HelpITx" blog. He is fond of blogging and loves to learn and share blogging tactics.

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