List and description of Top 5 Paid to Write Websites. Earning money by writing online is becoming most popular method of earning money online without investment due to its easiness. Learn how to earn money online with top rated paid to write websites.

Earning money online by writing is gaining huge popularity nowadays. After the Google introduced Adsense in 2003, a revolution came in web industry by making it possible for most of the internet users to earn money online. The users which have some writing skills can earn money by writing articles on internet very easily. There are many revenue sharing sites running which pay their users to write content for them and be active as social network on their sites. If you can write some articles in English, then you can earn money from these sites easily.

There are number of websites which provide a writing platform for internet users. They run their site on the user generated content and reward them with royalty to their writings. It is similar to blogging. The major difference between blogging and using these writing sites is that if you create your own blog, you will have to go for SEO, domain and web-hosting and other site related issues yourself. Applying for an Ad-Monetizing network isn't easy if you are running a personal blog. Well these sites give you freedom from thinking about SEO, domain and web-hosting and applying for Adsense or other Ad-Monetizing platform. That's the major difference between self created blog and paid to write sites.

Here I am gonna introduce you with top 5 paid to write websites from which million of users are making money online every day. You don't need to be a professional writer to earn money from these sites. Just write, share and get paid royalty. Lets start the introduction.

1. Bubblews:

Update: Bubblews team have closed the site now.

Though bubblews is newest among those sites which I am sharing here and it is only 2 and a half years old but it has gained fastest popularity due to many reasons. They pay their members a great sum of money which is equal to 1 cent each for every comment, like and view on a single post. It is social media cum paid to write site so chances of earning money online are great. The best thing is that they don't ask for professional writers, they need just writings in English from you. It doesn't matter how much you are good at English. If you can write some sentences in English you can join bubblews to earn money. 400 characters without spaces is their minimum limit to write articles. Everything is very simple here, just sign up, submit your posts and interact with other users. Your earnings will start increasing automatically. Even if you can't write anything just promote bubblews using your referral link and get $0.20 for your referral's first post. Their minimum Payment amount is $50 which you can easily achieve in 5 days if you spend 6-8 hours daily on bubblews. So I recommend bubblews to all people who want to earn quick money online without investment.
Payment method on bubblews is paypal for international members. US and Canadian users can also receive check or use "Buy Me This" option. You can also redeem your earnings to Charity.

2. Hubpages:

Hubpages is another old paid to write website where million of users are making money online. This website is somewhat more complex than bubblews. On hubpages the writers have to create webpages which are called Hubs and then bring traffic to it by any legit mean. After getting good traffic if someone want to money, he would have to apply for Adsense or other Affiliate accounts for his pages. In this way the user can money. They ask for nearly professional writing skills and lengthy articles. They also pay a good amount but they don't disclose how much they pay. Well traffic is most important factor which effects earnings so bring legit traffic and get paid.
Payment method on Hubpages is Paypal only. If you have applied Adsense on your Hubs, you can receive direct payments from Google too. $50 is minimum payment amount on Hubpages.

3. Squidoo:

Update: Squidoo is also closed now, the links to Squidoo now redirect to Hubpages.

Squidoo started in 2005 and has gain much popularity in past years. Started with 4 workers, they have now team of 13 workers and million of users contributing to their site. The webpages which are made in Squidoo are called Lenses. Traffic on your lenses is the factor which earns money for you. According to Squidoo, some users are earning nearly $900 per month online on Squidoo and some have less earning potential. It all depends how do you promote and get traffic for your lenses. There is no need to apply yourself for any affiliate program, they do it by themselves so you just need to write lenses and bring traffic on your posts. You can redeem your earnings for cash or you can donate it to charity. Squidoo donates a huge amount of charity to many institutions. In December 2011, Squidoo donated $50,000 to the Acumen Fund. On the occasion of squidoo's five year anniversary, they donated 2,75,000 in charity.

Payment method on Squidoo is Paypal only. Minimum withdrawal amount is $1.

4. Triond:

Triond also hire writers to write content for different websites. It is among the most popular paid to write sites. After registering on triond, you can start writing articles for them which they first review and if approve, publish your articles in any of the website under their publishing network which suites your article. There are 18 websites which work under their publishing network. At least 200 words article and good grammar is needed to get approved on Triond. They share 50% of the revenue generated by your content. Payment methods on triond are Paypal, Check or Western Union Money Transfer. It pays directly 15th of every month.

5. Expertscolumn:

Expertscolumn is my 5th top ranked paid to write website on which a person can earn money writing online. This site is purely revenue sharing website which pays its users not only to write articles but to write comments on other users' articles and profile wall too. You have to get approved by showing expertscolumn your work in order to start posting articles. Good grammar and 200 words article is necessary to get approved. Earnings from articles vary with traffic from different tiers. You earn maximum with traffic comes to your articles from USA and Canada. Other tiers have different rates. Based on members' experiences, it is believed that a writer can earn from $0.70 to $4 per 1000 views on his articles written on expertscolumn.
They had closed their revenue sharing program last year due to lack of funds but started again this year with new amendments in their program and website.
Payment methods on expertscolumn are Paypal, Skrill (former moneybookers) and Bank Transfer. Minimum amount to cashout is $5. 


About Author

YASIR is professional blogger, freelance writer and owner of "HelpITx" blog. He is fond of blogging and loves to learn and share blogging tactics.

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