A collection of some latest useful Facebook tips and tricks that you didn't know before.

Facebook being the largest social media network is used by billions of people in the world. Although it's most widely used social network but still majority of Facebook users aren't aware of its all features. They just know how to post a textual or image status, sharing posts, texting others, liking and commenting posts. In this post I am going to share some Facebook tricks that are hidden from majority of people using Facebook.

Read More: Send Facebook Messages Directly To Inbox Of Strangers

Lets proceed to learn these Facebook hacks.

1. Edit Images Before Posting On Facebook:

So you might know how to upload images on Facebook from both desktop and smartphones but most probably you didn't know that you can also edit your images before posting them on Facebook. This is a new feature added by Facebook which allows you to edit the image after you have uploaded on Facebook but not posted it yet.

This works in both desktop and updated smartphone apps of Facebook. When someone uploads an image on Facebook, it gives two options. One for tagging and other one for editing the image as you can see in screenshots below.

Click or tap on "Edit Photo" options that will open "Facebook Photo Editor". You can add text, modify filters, crop the photo and add stickers to it.

For getting "Edit" feature in smartphones, make sure that you have latest update of Facebook installed because it's a new feature and doesn't work in earlier versions of Facebook apps. After selecting a photo, you will see an "Edit" button at the bottom left of the photo. Tap that button and the Photo editor would be open for you.

Make changes and post the image as usual.

2. Make Backup Of Your Facebook Account Data:

So what if you are going to delete your Facebook account permanently but don't want to loose any of your Facebook data. Usually people use Facebook as their photo albums and keep everything there so deleting or deactivating a Facebook account can be a worrying task for them. But if you are aware of full Facebook features, then it shouldn't be worrying no more as Facebook presents a solution for this problem. It's making a backup of your Facebook data. Though it's somewhat different from regular backup concept which allows to make restorable backup. Facebook doesn't have any feature of restoring data at present and one can only download a copy of his Facebook data in human understandable format like images, videos and texts. This is a very useful feature but the only problem is that it is accessible via desktop or laptop devices only and doesn't work on mobile devices.

To download all of your Facebook data, login to Facebook with any desktop or laptop computer and click on the down arrow button located at top right side of the Facebook screen. A menu will appear with multiple options. Click on "Settings" and you will be redirected to account settings for the account. By default "General" settings page is opened. At the bottom of settings on right column, click on "Download a copy" of your Facebook account data. See below screenshot for more detail.

After a few minutes, an Email would be sent to your Email address containing link to Facebook data packed in a zipped folder. Download the zipped folder and extract the folder to view all the content downloaded.

3. Restore Deleted Messages In Facebook:

Sometimes you accidentally delete chat messages that might be needed at a later time. This is so frustrating situation because if someone deletes a message or chat, Facebook warns with a statement "Once you delete your copy of this message/conversation, it cannot be undone". There is a warning in this statement that the user is going to loose his copy of conversation permanently so he thinks that he can never restore his Facebook messages if once deleted no matter accidentally or willingly.

But we shouldn't give up when it's the matter of Facebook chat. In the above statement there's also a hope along with warning. If not clearly, it indirectly indicates that we loose our copy only but the Facebook copy still remains there. Yeah, Facebook makes a copy for itself of each and every user's activity and it remains forever in Facebook graph unless the user deletes Facebook account permanently. It includes all timeline activities, messages, videos and photos. To restore the deleted messages, just download the copy of your Facebook data by the above method and access "messages.htm" file. This is usually found inside HTML folder in the zipped file you downloaded. Open the "messages.htm" file with any browser too see all of your deleted, archived, filtered, spam or present messages.

4. Schedule Your Posts On Facebook:

I am quite sure that most of you aren't aware of this feature because it's relatively new feature and limited only to desktop devices. At present, it's not available for mobile devices except if you are posting on a Facebook page. By using this Facebook feature, one can set time and date for his Facebook post manually. By default Facebook updates the status time according to current time and previously there was no way to change the time for posts but now it's possible with Facebook new feature. Procedure is very simple. While writing a new post, just click the clock button below the writable area and it will open a time changer as seen in following screenshot.

Time schedule for existing posts can also be changed. Watch following screenshot to see how it works.

Hope that you like these tricks. Share the article with your friends and family if you love reading these tricks.


About Author

YASIR is professional blogger, freelance writer and owner of "HelpITx" blog. He is fond of blogging and loves to learn and share blogging tactics.

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