HelpITx gets redesigned. See what's new in redesigned HelpITx.

After more than a month, I am going to make an update to this blog. I was working to redesign HelpITx so this caused a long delay in bringing updates. When I started working on new design, I first planned to launch new design on the occasion of Eid Ul Fitar or Pakistan Independence day but I was unable to finish with new template design. I spent almost 200 hours to finish up the task so it was a big reason of delay in updates.

What's New In HelpITx Redesigned:

Keeping only a few things back from old design, I've tried to give it a completely new look. These include a stickey header, off-canvas menu, featured image above post titles on post pages and newly designed popular posts widget.
Note: Click on an image to view it clearly.

1. Sticky Header:

For the ease of readers, I designed a sticky header which contains a menu button to open a slide push off canvas menu that contains links to all category topics, a search button which opens a search bar on click and few links to important category topics. The sticky header makes it easier to find and approach topics of interest on all devices.

2. Slide Push Off Canvas Menu:

In redesigned HelpITx, I have added an off canvas sidebar menu which appears with a slide push effect. This menu contains links to all important category topics of HelpITx. The menu works on all devices having a completely responsive design, so you can easily use this menu no matter which device you are using.

3. Popular Posts Widget With Big Thumbnails:

Increasing the size of popular posts thumbnails in blogger templates is a messy task because default size for these thumbnails is 96*96 by blogger so the image quality is lost when someone tries to increase thumbnail size. I tried to overcome this issue and the result is in front of you with high quality larger size popular posts thumbnails.

4. Homepage:

I tried to give a unique look to my home page. In new design, the image size of first post on homepage is bigger and it looks like a featured post. Rest of the posts have smaller image size in a normal fashion. This looks similar to design but the thing of interest is that is a wordpress blog and I made it on a blogger so it is however a something unique for blogger templates. The idea isn't unique but applying it on blogger template might be a new one.

5. Featured Image Above Post Titles In Post Pages:

It is another thing which caused a delay in giving a new look to this template. I first tried Jquery codes to place featured image above post titles but that was not satisfying me so I myself tried making some tweaks and finally I was able to automatically place featured image on the top.

6. Jquery Search Bar:

Instead of using ordinary search bar, I have added a Jquery search bar plugin which displays or hides search bar on clicking search button. Having responsive layout, it is working on all devices.

Now I have updated the basic layout and design of Helpitx. I am sure that the blog needs some more improvements and modifications which I will be performing with time. Any feedback on new design will be appreciated.


About Author

YASIR is professional blogger, freelance writer and owner of "HelpITx" blog. He is fond of blogging and loves to learn and share blogging tactics.

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