When I started my online career, the only thing which I had been thinking was to make money. I had many options to choose for this purpose like affiliate marketing, GPT, freelancing, content writing etc. After 10 months of understanding online businesses I started to make a decent sum of money online but at the same time I considered that I am missing something.

The methods by which I am making money aren't going to work forever like that of bringing affiliates to businesses. What if I loose my reputation suddenly? What if the rates of my content goes down? Then what would be the future of my online career? So thinking all this, I planned to create my own blog so to keep my name alive in online market. It was not the only reason to start blogging as I was also intending to make money online. Like majority of bloggers, my dream was to get approval of Adsense account and I feel no shame to confess that I tried hard to be approved for this biggest Ad-Network but didn't succeed at my first attempt of application. I haven't made any second attempt yet since I am looking to understand Adsense requirements completely.

I am damn sure that most of you reading this post have same problem. Either got rejected from Adsense or still in a development process. Well a simple blog cannot generate any revenue until it is monetized with Ad-networks. A blog also needs some investment and in order to fulfil a blog's expenses one could not wait for Adsense approval as for an ordinary blogger it does take a lot of time to generate enough content and traffic that meets Adsense program policies. Until then, to keep blog alive, a blogger can go for Adsense alternatives. Well there are many alternatives available but now I am going to discuss Qadabra Ad Network.

My Experience With Qadabra:

Since I started my blogging career, I worked with many Adsense alternatives. Among all those networks I place Qadabra at top for many reasons. First of all Ads quality is much better than other networks. They don't contain malware, adware or spyware hence they are safe to place on a website. Before Qadabra, I was using ads from a popular Ad network with very high paying rates but after some days I got my site banned by Google Webmaster Tools for 1 day until I removed the Ad-codes from my blog which contained malware. With Qadabra ads, the risk is minimized. Another reason is that ads aren't limited to only "Download - Play" ads. They also have serious Advertisers which advertise good quality ads.

Qadabra's Introduction:

Qadabra is popular Ad-Network for bloggers and could be considered as an Adsense alternative. Started in late 2010 it has been providing advertising solutions to advertisers and helping publishers to generate revenue from their site traffic. It is performance based self-serve ad network.

Qadabra For Publishers:

Since I am concerned with bloggers and site owners so I would be limited to publishers' solution only. Qadabra offers a variety of Ad formats for publishers which include various size banners, sliders, lightbox, pop under ads and stay on. Signup and approval process is very simple and it doesn't take more than 15 seconds in general.

Minimum Requirements:

Fortunately qadabra doesn't have huge minimum requirements for traffic and content. However placing ads on pages with pornographic or violent content is prohibited. Pages linking to malware, adware and spyware are also prohibited.

Revenue Calculation:

For publishers, there is no single formula for calculating revenue. All three types of ads are there including CPM, CPA and CPC ads. Revenue is generated collectively for all types of ads and based on eCPM it is shared to publishers. However according to my own experience and from other bloggers, I have found that CPA is most popular method of calculating revenue. So to maximize your revenue on Qadabra, you need traffic which perform specific actions to generate revenue.

Payout Options:

Currently Qadabra supports Paypal and Payoneer as payment options. Minimum payout for Paypal is $1 while for Payoneer it is $20. This is the most flexible payout option available in whole advertising industry.

Payment Frequency:

Payment frequency is the only factor that I consider as con in Qadabra network. Publishers are paid once every 45 days which is very slow. However the good thing is that they really get paid.


Though Qadabra cannot be the real alternative for Adsense and big networks but still it is good option to cover your current blog's expenses until you find something bigger than it.


About Author

YASIR is professional blogger, freelance writer and owner of "HelpITx" blog. He is fond of blogging and loves to learn and share blogging tactics.

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